Burns Motor Freight drivers are dispatched from the Marlinton, WV terminal.

All the trucks are equipped with PeopleNet tablets to ensure constant communication between driver and dispatch. This means we know the status of your load and all times.

We have been using McLeod’s Software Loadmaster since 1993. This enables us to provide you with proof of delivery as soon as the load is delivered. It also helps us keep track of operations so we can continue to serve you in the best, most cost efficient manner possible.


John Burns, President

Danny Kellison, Dispatcher

Colt Beverage, Dispatcher

Together our dispatchers represent over 40 years experience in dispatch operations.

For a customer, this means you can be assured your loads will be handled with expertise and professionalism.

For drivers, this means you have experienced staff who can locate the best load to suit your needs.

All Burns Motor Freight drivers are dispatched home on Friday evenings.